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Rosie Motene has a BA in dramatic arts from Wits University (1998) and will complete her post-graduate studies in 2025. 

Rosie has over thirty years of experience in the media industry and close to twenty years working in the activism space. Rosie is an independent activist, feminist writer, consultant, and award-winning author. She has excelled as a global speaker, consultant, documentary, and impact producer. Rosie is also a certified and registered counsellor and life coach. Her counseling scope of practice includes sexual abuse, PTSD, trauma-informed care, and trauma debriefing. 

Her first feminist training came through People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA) in 2003. Further working with multiple feminists and activists spaces locally and internationally. Rosie has sat on the following boards, Childline, Gauteng (Chairperson), Tomorrow Trust, Infinite Family, The Johannesburg Children Home, and POWA (deputy chair). She currently sits as co-chairperson for The Other Foundation, an African trust supporting the LGBTQIA+ community in the SADC region. 



After being banned from the industry as an actor for refusing to perform semi-naked on a TV show and speaking out against sexual harassment, her work and projects are through an intersectional lens, creating awareness and providing support through advocacy.


Rosie is a sought-after speaker, facilitator, moderator, and emcee. A detailed resume is attached below.

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